Which Android IPTV is the best
I am new to this forum and the android world.... I am owning a WD tv LIve media hub... after a friend demonstrated the XBMC on his Apple TV, i felt in love Smile

I decided to buy an android IPTV which support XMBC...

so if you have to decide between 3, which ones you choose... what you recommend?Huh

Thank you SmileBig Grin
The Pivos XIOS DS is what the XBMC team uses for their development, so that's definitely not a bad first option!
how about the G-Box Midnight? Geniatech ATV1600? MK802? I means there is load....
There's threads for all of those. Just look around or search.

i have one from above, ,, currenty satisfied with it
i purchased one mk802 IIIS and it works prefect.
I have the G-Box Midnight and overall it is built well but a little under powered. When I am playing videos from a file share on my network the video will skip a few frames and you will see the video jump and the sound will get a little out of sync. When playing video from one of the online add-ons the video is very choppy and the sound is way off.
The jynxbox android HD works well also!!Xbmc is the best!!Smile
it seems that not necessary to buy a new IPTV . u can use a android box connect with you present TV.

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