Frodo SSH problem
The known hosts file may be keeping you from connecting.
No harm in deleting it. It will be recreated.

rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts

If you already have a key for a host in your known_hosts, then you don't necessarily get asked to overwrite it. In fact, what I usually see is an error message about possible man in the middle attack.

Either way, depending upon your ssh client, you could be simply refused connection. Try removing the existing entry from known_hosts, it won't hurt anything if that's not the issue.
try to reinstall ssh on the xbmcbuntu host:

sudo apt-get remove --purge ssh
sudo apt-get install ssh
(2013-02-04, 12:03)wsnipex Wrote: try to reinstall ssh on the xbmcbuntu host:

sudo apt-get remove --purge ssh
sudo apt-get install ssh

I had to remove openssh-server manaully then after i re-installed it, it worked... So thank you for the help!

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