Alternative to Display out to use with xbmc frodo?
Hi first let me apoligise if this post is in the wrong place, but i would like to ask is if there is anternative to display out to work with frodo xmbc as now i cant and do not know how to get my screen full screen. Even though its not an xmbc issue i was hoping by off chance soneone might know something or point me in the direction i can find out. As loving xbmc and would love for to watch my films in full screen rather than in a box. Thank you in advance

(2013-02-05, 01:35)Decassa Wrote: Hi first let me apoligise if this post is in the wrong place, but i would like to ask is if there is anternative to display out to work with frodo xmbc as now i cant and do not know how to get my screen full screen. Even though its not an xmbc issue i was hoping by off chance soneone might know something or point me in the direction i can find out. As loving xbmc and would love for to watch my films in full screen rather than in a box. Thank you in advance


It sounds like you are having an issue with your monitor/TV hooked to the HDMI cable. See if there is an overscan setting on the TV/monitor. With my TV there is an option for the HDMI to select it as a Video or PC input. I set it to PC input and I get a full screen of XBMC. I am running XBMC Frodo 12.0 on iPad 1 running iOS 5.1.1 using the Apple 30-pin to HDMI accessory.

EDIT: I just realized that you are referring to the DisplayOut app.
Kodi 17, Transparency Skin
PogoPlug v4 running Arm Linux 4.4.63 as MySQL (mariadb) server.
Mac OS 10.12.5
2015 27" iMac 3.3 GHz Quad, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD
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AppleTV 4 TV OS 10
I would just contact the author of Display Out and see if he can do anything about the XBMC incompatibility issue.

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Alternative to Display out to use with xbmc frodo?0