Going straight to movies
I have one instalation of xbmc exclusive for movies, no music, tv shows or images.

So is there a way to start the program and go directly to movies? I managed to go straitgh to videos using the settings menu, but not to the poster view (I have to choose movies->title).

I use MQ AEON 4 but if there is any other skin out there that will allow me to do this I could switch.

You can create an autoexec.py file in your userdata (wiki) directory with the following contents:
import xbmc
xbmc.executebuiltin( "ActivateWindow(Videos, MovieTitles, return)" )
(If you are running Linux/OSX, you need to give this file executable permission)

When you start XBMC, the homepage will display briefly and then it will display your Movies/Titles automatically.

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