Keyboard.xml -- Modifying Your Keyboard Mapping
(2013-07-16, 16:15)Abrasher Wrote: Firstly, I dont knkw what your keyboard is.

2nd, I have had no luck with keyboard.xml in android

3rd, I did find a way to change something called the Generic.kl which allowd me to choose/dictate what each button did. Sadly, I cant link to the guide I made on a different website.

I'm sure if you search this forum you will find the details needed. Good Luck

Thanks for the reply.
A generic wifi keyboard with all the regular keyboard keys(not a gaming remote)

The file you mention is for the Android system. My keyboard works perfectly well in Android, but XBMC is the problem. There is no keyboard command to go back, you have to use the mouse, press the android back arrow to the left of the android home button. I would expect ESC to take me to the home screen, but it does nothing in XBMC, but acts as a back button in other Android apps... So something is glitchy about the way XBMC handles the keyboard commands in android.
Is this a related problem I'm having?

I'm trying to map my Red/Yellow/Green/Blue buttons on Samsung telly remote to keys like c/i/o/ESC so that I can pull up context menus/info etc. in xbmc. I've installed a great app from market called "multilanguage keymap remapper" and inside that it recognised the telly remote keypresses and I can map them to an Android key presses, e.g. I've set red up as:

Device:cec_input #1

Now when I go to a text input in Android, and press red, it inputs a 'c'. But when I do the same in a textfield in xbmc, it's not recognised, in fact none of them are. Any idea what's going on? Seems Android is receiving the keypresses but xbmc is not.

I want to crack this as I'm 98% there towards having a fully functional (inc FF/RW) xbmc from telly remote, which as folks will realise is very important in a living room environment. ;-)

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Keyboard.xml -- Modifying Your Keyboard Mapping0