Ipad Mini SMB Error 2:share not available
Hi All,

I have a very odd issue with my Ipad mini wifi 16G ios 6.1.2. After jailbreak the ipad I install XBMC frodo and as usual using the XBMC browser to browse to my network share via smb, I get this message" Error 2: share not available". I have one regular Ipad 2 wifi ios 6.1.2 without any issue when using XBMC to browse to my smb share folder to install add on or set up movie library. The funny thing is I turn off the ipad mini and leave it off for one day and try it again after one day, I can browse my smb share again but not for long. After successfully install a few add on, I get the same error message as i try to browse to my smb share folder again. Share folder is on windows 7 ultimate.

I get this error message when i touch" Windows network (smb)" to see my windows pc on my home network using the xbmc browser.

I can browse to this share folder with my ipad 2 and apple tv 2 without any issue. This folder is also serve as the movie library for the apple tv2 and the ipad 2, so I do not think it the share permission or anything like that.
Here is the log:


I also did a clean restore for ipad mini, rejailbroke and installed a fresh xbmc frodo but still get the same error.

Any help would be great!
Thank you all.
Try repairing settings: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=XBM...r_settings

You can do this from the ipad itself by connecting to "localhost" instead of the iPad's IP, using an SSH client. Side hint, also install a toggle so you can turn SSH on and off, because when it's on it will eat more battery.
Thank you Ned.Blush

That repair settings fixed it.


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Ipad Mini SMB Error 2:share not available0