Frodo on ATV2 not detecting TV Show Posters

I seem to be having all the trouble in the world with getting my setup to detect my TV Show posters, fanart etc. This occurred when i first upgraded to frodo - initial investigation i determined that it was because of the changes within frodo - i proceeded to update all my local metadata and images using "MetaBrowser" also making sure i used the new xbmb(frodo) plugin and i double checked that my media updated correctly - then within XBMC i proceeded to change the media source content types for both "Movies" & "TV Shows" to nothing and it removed them from my library, i then delete the Thumbnails folder on my share (NOTE: i am sharing the /userdata/* directory on a network share - fyi ubuntu) then i changed back the content types for the "movies" media source and scanned the content -everything worked as expected, i then change the "tv shows" media source and scanned - this is where it has gone pear shaped - for some reason it has not picked up the images - it has got some correct, it has got thumbnail where i would expect posters for images and for other it has got nothing - this is probably the third or fourth time i have attempted this - am i missing something obvious as this is driving me crazy.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

XBMC Frodo running on raspbmc (SI02)
XBMC Frodo running on openELEC (SI02)

Ubuntu 12.04

I have found another post with similar issues -
XBMC Frodo running on raspbmc (SI02)
XBMC Frodo running on openELEC (SI02)

Ubuntu 12.04


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Frodo on ATV2 not detecting TV Show Posters0