Partial subtitles on 'mostly' English videos
Some films are 95% English and 5% another language. So Captain America has a bit of German, couple of Star Trek films have a bit of Klingon and I'm sure there are plenty of other examples. I understand how SRT files work, but what I'm struggling with is finding a subtitle file that just fills in the foreign (to me) language parts and not just subtitle the whole thing.

Are these 'partial' SRT files available? Note that I don't have the facility to rip my Blu-Ray collection (no Blu-Ray drive) so I can't get the subtitles from my disks and burn them into the video file (if that's the right terminolgy).

Any ideas on how I can solve this? Is there a funky add-on that will auto-subtitle the relevant bits for me (now that WOULD be cool)?
yes, just look for subtitles that have comments such as "foreign parts only". SubScene have plenty
sometimes they are also called "Forced" subtitles
Hardware: Revo 3610 + SSD - Harmony 700 Remote
Software: XBMCBuntu Gotham - Sickbeard - SabNZBd+

Brill, found what I was after for Captain America.

Thanks both.

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Partial subtitles on 'mostly' English videos0