strm file based of youtube links
Within xbmc can I play youtube videos using a strm file. If so how do I create a strm file with youtube links.

I tried doing the following

I created a file called test.strm and added the following url to it

but it doesn't work.

Put that in a .strm and it should play.

Note the "Videoid=" section - and just add any videoid you want to that format.
I tried using the suggested link but I got the following error and video doesn't play

19:32:36 T:5104 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://]

Also I want to know how can put multiple strm links in one strm file. I also want each strm link to have a user friendly name and if possible have an icon

Any info provided will be appreciated.

(2013-03-22, 03:22)sarosh Wrote: I tried using the suggested link but I got the following error and video doesn't play

19:32:36 T:5104 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://]

Also I want to know how can put multiple strm links in one strm file. I also want each strm link to have a user friendly name and if possible have an icon

Any info provided will be appreciated.


That works for me...just tested it - it's an XBMC Eden setup video. All that does is use the YouTube plugin as the resolver for the video id. It should work...

Make sure your YouTube plugin is functional. There's a patch available for it in the YouTube thread.

As far as I know - you cannot put multiple links inside the same stream file. You're better off just adding them to a playlist.

To make your .strm file have an icon and friendly name - you need to create an .nfo file for it.
Thanks fellows, after updating the youtube plugin. strm file worked for me now. Now can someone kind please answer second questions too. How do I create strm file with multiple feed links which are identifiable by userfriendly name.


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strm file based of youtube links0