[Windows] Color Conversion

I assembled new HTPC with i3 / Intel HD4000. And found out that Intel Windows drivers is crippled with only limited RGB signal out on HDMI. No solution to enable full range RGB over HDMI so far, unlike NVidia / AMD. I installed Linux version but there are other problems such as wrong subtitles rendering in my local language (Thai) which is probably OS fault and not XBMC related.

Could there be any toggle option for XBMC Windows build like in Linux's Studio Color Conversion option?

I've been used temporary solution by using XBMC DSPlayer with FFDshow filter to do colorspace conversion post processing. It was ok but not working with DVD and TV since it uses XBMC internal player which results in Blu-ish playback when it supposed to be black.

Right now I've decided to put in Nvidia GT210 and it's good. But I think a lot of people who uses Intel GPU would suffer the same.

Current master has support for limited range RGB. Frodo doesn't, though in Frodo you could adjust brightness and contrast accordingly - if you search the forums you'll find the magic numbers.
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Just a warning about doing this : Color of subtitles are not adjusted by theses settings, so, if you have subtitles (ASS/SSA) which have some background drawed supposed to match the video color, after these adjustements, color of subtitles will not match anymore the video.
Note that the above applies to the brightness/contrast adjustment which applies only to video, not to the setting in current master which applies across the board.
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Except maybe using the feature "Limited color range", the only place i've found in the UI for ajust b/c is in the menu when you press 'M' during the play of a video, and changing here, produce what i've described. I've not been able to find in the UI another place where you can adjust theses settings.
Tested nightly build. While turn on this "Limited Color Range" option seem to provide better result. The GUI seem to be too bright.

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[Windows] Color Conversion0