Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Movie Tagline
Hey Jingai - In the GIT version, could you possibly add in a toggle option in the settings to disable the Movie taglines (poster view). Thanks!
bump :-)
Not ignoring you -- it's on my list of things to look at. Just have been busy Smile

edit: Issue created.
Thank you sir
Quick question so I understand what you're really looking for here: is there a reason you don't just use the Large poster view instead? The key difference between that and the smaller poster view is (aside from obviously having larger posters) the absence of the tagline.

I'm asking because I'm wondering if the issue is more the wrap vs fixed views; that is, would it achieve the same benefit to you if there were a Poster Fixed Large view type?
I use the Poster Wrap view. I just like the fact that there are more posters visible in that view and it also seems more visually aligned than the Large Poster view.
Ok, I see. I just try pretty hard to avoid adding toggles for things if I can so it doesn't get out of hand. Smile

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