Acer Revo R3600 - Windows 8 - can't play HD video
I have an Acer Revo that I've been running Xbmc 11 on Windows 7 fine for a few years. Today I did a clean install of Windows 8 and installed the latest Xbmc. I'm now finding that HD playback stutters massively. The files are m2ts ripped directly from blu-ray. I'm not sure whether the problem is with Windows 8 or the latest version of Xbmc.

I think all my drivers are up to date as I can play the files ok using Media Player Classic on the same system. Any suggestions to resolve this gratefully received.

Most likely an audio settings issue - check the troubleshoot thread at the top of this board.
Thanks, changing to the HDMI sound seemed to solve the video issue. Now I just need to make it work with my external soundcard but it's obviously to do with the audio settings.

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Acer Revo R3600 - Windows 8 - can't play HD video0