No sound for audio files and CDs
I am running Ubuntu 13.04 32-bit with xbmc installed. I have tried from both the 13.04 repos and the ppa with the same result. If I choose XBMC as my environment on login then I am unable to hear sound from CDs or audio files. I can hear sound when watching videos such as Youtube, TED, etc. However, if I boot into a desktop environment like LXDE and then run XBMC from within the DE then everything works just fine.
When I using XBMC as my login environment and I am playing audio but not hearing it, then the visualizations are doing their thing as if to indicate they perceive the playback to be working. I have double-checked that the volume is all the way up. Does anyone have any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?

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No sound for audio files and CDs0