Form factor "download station"
I currently have a server with 16 HDDs and a bunch of HTPCs at home. I am now thinking to add a "download station" to the line-up for my usenet downloads. In the past, I have been doing this with the server (running 24/7), but getting annoyed about the energy consumption and noise.

So, looking for a new built with the following requirement:

* Ideally no fans, no noise, no blinking lights

* Very nice form factor (ok to spend more on the case, but would love to see something nice)

* Still allows me to use the following "old" components that I currently have no use for
--- Asus Sabertooth Z77 ATX mobo with i7 and 6GB ram (also have a CPU fan, but wondering whether I can just not use it?)
--- SSD PCI-E harddisk (optional to be used, but would be nice)
--- Four 4TB harddisks (open only to use 1 or 2 (or even none) if case form factor does not allow the use of all 4)

Besides the case, I would still need to buy a PSU and an OS (will be Win7 or Win8 for sure). Any thoughts on the following questions:

1) Nicest form factor case that fits my "old" components?
2) Required PSU?
3) Possibility to run this set-up without any fans for 24/7?

Thanks in advance for any ideas you may have!!!
Server: Asus Sabertooth Z77 | Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 | 128 GB SSD, 82 TB (9 x 6 TB, 7 x 4 TB)
HTPC 1: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 2: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 3: Raspberry Pi
If it's just for downloads I think your stuff is way OTT.

If it's just downloading and unRARing why all the power? More power needs more cooling.
Unless your downloading lots and not handing the content over to your server why all the capacity?

I have a download station. I call it the Media Terminal. I use for SickBeard, CouchPotato, Headphones, Marachino, Subsonic and any file transfers.
I was using an old MacBook Pro Intel Core Duo 32bit with 120GB HDD/2GB RAM for years.
Just recently traded it up to a MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo 64bit with 120GB HDD/3GB RAM.

The only time either of them made any discernable noise is when the are/were unRARing 45-50GB blu-rays.
(2013-07-06, 14:07)T800 Wrote: If it's just for downloads I think your stuff is way OTT.

If it's just downloading and unRARing why all the power? More power needs more cooling.
Unless your downloading lots and not handing the content over to your server why all the capacity?

I have a download station. I call it the Media Terminal. I use for SickBeard, CouchPotato, Headphones, Marachino, Subsonic and any file transfers.
I was using an old MacBook Pro Intel Core Duo 32bit with 120GB HDD/2GB RAM for years.
Just recently traded it up to a MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo 64bit with 120GB HDD/3GB RAM.

The only time either of them made any discernable noise is when the are/were unRARing 45-50GB blu-rays.

Thanks for your message. Situation is that I have these components at home and no other use. But I hear you that this will still not work as those components will need to be cooled, which will cause noise...

Good point that I may eventually just use an old Macbook (which btw also still have here). One question though. If downloading 24/7, I could not close the lid of the macbook and I cannot let it go to "sleep" as otherwise download will stop?

(2013-07-06, 14:07)T800 Wrote: If it's just for downloads I think your stuff is way OTT.

If it's just downloading and unRARing why all the power? More power needs more cooling.
Unless your downloading lots and not handing the content over to your server why all the capacity?

I have a download station. I call it the Media Terminal. I use for SickBeard, CouchPotato, Headphones, Marachino, Subsonic and any file transfers.
I was using an old MacBook Pro Intel Core Duo 32bit with 120GB HDD/2GB RAM for years.
Just recently traded it up to a MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo 64bit with 120GB HDD/3GB RAM.

The only time either of them made any discernable noise is when the are/were unRARing 45-50GB blu-rays.

Thanks for your message. Situation is that I have these components at home and no other use. But I hear you that this will still not work as those components will need to be cooled, which will cause noise...

Good point that I may eventually just use an old Macbook (which btw also still have here and not using it). One question though. If downloading 24/7, I could not close the lid of the macbook and I cannot let it go to "sleep" as otherwise download will stop? What's the most energy efficient use / config when using it?
Server: Asus Sabertooth Z77 | Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 | 128 GB SSD, 82 TB (9 x 6 TB, 7 x 4 TB)
HTPC 1: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 2: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 3: Raspberry Pi
You have hard drives. Four 4TB harddrives to be exact. I understand the desire to keep the system quiet, but going fanless I don't think that's a great idea. The last thing you want to do is lose all your data off your drives due to overheating because you wanted it to be completely silent.

You shouldn't be able to hear your PC if its setup correctly, so the first question is, what case/powersupply are you using? These are generally the two largest contributors to noise.

My PC is not audible, at all currently:
I have a 4770k i7 (Haswell), Z87-A mobo from Asus, 8 GB of ram, and 10TB of HDs. It's silent.

The case is good and the powersupply is great as well. I'm betting the majority of the noise is from those to parts in your system. There is no reason that a download station should make any noise. Your processor should be running at extremely low clocks at all times (my Haswell i7 is under 1 Ghz the majority of the time), and thus you shouldn't really have to run your PC at high fan speeds.

So the question we need to ask, is what case are you using, what powersupply are you using, and what size are the fans in your pc?

The only time I had a LOT of noise from a PC, was because my case had horrible fans that I couldn't control the fanspeeds on.
Thanks for your message. See below transparency on the HUGE noise that my server is making:

1) Antec 1200 case with stock-fans

2) Some Antec PSU (800W or so), which is basically the only PSU that fits into the Antec 1200 (as it uses a by then "new" size of PSU, which then never succeeded). So; I cannot change the PSU without changing the full case

3) CPU fan (need to check the brand

4) Four 4-in-1 HD cases, which each has two fans. I turned these fans off manually, but they are not the cause of my super-noisy server

I cannot say for sure whether it is (1), (2) or (3) leading to huge noise. I thought that it may just be un-changable given the large size of the case (16 HDDs).

Any thoughts whether I can get my current case (more silent)? Or any other case with 16 HDDs that I can get silent? Or back to my initial question whether I need a second computer to use as download station to use silent 24/7 and then only occasionally turn on the "server" with the 16 HDDs.

Thanks in advance!!! I really need to solve this as it annoys me a lot that I have this loud "monster" at home...
Server: Asus Sabertooth Z77 | Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 | 128 GB SSD, 82 TB (9 x 6 TB, 7 x 4 TB)
HTPC 1: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 2: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 3: Raspberry Pi
You would have to check but I think apple laptop don't sleep with the lid closed if there is a mouse connected.

I leave mine open all the time under the stairs for better cooling.
I set it to put the HDD to sleep when it's not in use. The screen sleeps after a few minutes.

In regards to cooling a tower. I have two towers that can be seen I my sig and they are barely audible. A bit of time spent playing and a decent cooler should sort out the noise.

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Form factor "download station"0