Setting up my rounter
was just curious if someone could help me set up router. its a dlink di-604 and i'm under "firewall" right now with more options then i really know what to do with.
on he screen it has a ip range start and end and also says start and destination.

well if this is all geberish.. i'll upload a printscreen...


that guy is just funny
just wanted to reply to my own post... i checked out xbc's web page
about the router... which had more detailed instructions on how to set up the router configurations... i'll let you know if it works... or if i don't replay again... it worked ... and :kickass:
rock on brother...
ok i'm back...
and obviously it didn't work. so i thought i would try the same thing i did for xlink kai setup as described in the link in the previous post... but this time i was going to put the modems ip. but now it says "port range conflict with "xlink kai""

soooooooooo what the :kickass:

let me know.. tonight would be great.
for the love of god... i still can't get it.
i got the modems ip into the "virtural servers list"... i had to put it on both (udp/tcp) otherwise if i did them seperately as i did the port for xlink kai it had conflicts. but this crap still doesn't work.
so far you know what i have done to the router... and yes my kai config tool is setup correctly... and under programs from my xbmc i have my username/psw and ip all typed in... but still no dice when i try to run xlink kai :bump:

i'm getting :veryangry: and i :bowdown: to hoever helps me... no i must go Image

this guy is still the coolest :kickass:
you guys suck... wheres the help.

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Setting up my rounter0