Frodo A/V sync issues DTS (video stutter)
So I decided to upgrade to xbmc frodo for shits and giggles. With XBMC 11 everything worked perfectly. I can get everything to work:
  • Adjust refresh rate to match frame rate
  • PCM audio
  • DTS/ AC3 passthrough
except there seems to be an issue with passthrough audio. When playing a movie with DTS audio at first there's no audio and the video experiences huge stutter. My receiver isn't receiving audio input. But after I press Pause and then Play again (after some video catching up) my receiver "clicks" into DTS mode and everything plays flawless.

I'm running Ubuntu 12 on an Nvidia ION based Mac mini connected to my NAD receiver through SPDIF and DVI to HDMI.

Is this a (known) bug or am I missing some feature?
Post your xbmc.log please.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
My xbmc.log:

line 679: Play movie
line 856: ALSA failed
line 911: ALSA failed
line 1000: Pause movie
line 1010: ALSA init success!
line 1025: Play movie

I've tried all kind of setting combinations. I have played with the frodo AudioEngine settings in advancedsettings.xml. But didn't solve the problem.
You have some audiophile options in there .... and at the end you are using pulseaudio server, that converts everything to something else ...

I'd really like to know where <dont_resample> comes from :-)

sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio libasound2-plugins
sudo reboot

and retry.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
It's a good thing you're not here right now because I have this uncontrollable urge to hug you. That apt-get remove did the trick! I'll have a look at what it did exactly. Smile

I added those audiophile options hoping they'd somehow free up the device for RAW passthrough. I think I got <dont_resample> from here:

Probably does nothing. But was worth a try.

Thanks very much!
Np. It does nothing, it does not even exist.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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Frodo A/V sync issues DTS (video stutter)0