Media Controls while video playing

I'm sure this has been asked before but I can't find it using search or manually looking through this section.

I use a wireless keyboard with my HTPC and am used to using the shortcut keys when watching a movie/tv show (right to jump 30 secs, up to jump 10 mins, space to pause etc)

My problem is that when I press M to bring up the video controls on the screen (if I want to do something specific, turn off subtitles for e.g), the left and right keys do not scroll through the options, I have to use the mouse pointer to hover to the right or left of the control option selected, and then the controls will move for me.

Has anyone come across this before?

The right/left arrows keys work for me to scroll through the video controls at the top. Do you happen to have keymap overrides that may be causing a conflict (e.g., a custom keyboard.xml file in your userdata (wiki)/keymaps directory)? Check your debug log (wiki) after pressing the right/left keys repeatedly while on the video controls overlay screen and see if there are any errors or messages indicating why those key presses aren't working as expected.

Thanks for the reply.

With regards the controls working for you "at the top" can I just confirm how yours is set up? My video controls are overlayed at the bottom of the screen?

I do not have any bespoke mappings and I have not edited the keyboards.xml either. When the controls are up, right or left just closes the controls!

I'll try and look at the debug log tonight. Thanks
I don't normally use Aeon Nox, but I switched to it to test your problem. When I press "m" while watching a video, the controls overlay is displayed at the top for me. This overlay has buttons for Bookmarks, Audio/Subtitle settings, Video settings, followed by playback control buttons such as rewind, pause, stop, fast forward, etc. When I press the left/right arrow keys, the focus is shifted from one button to the previous/next button across the overlay.

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Media Controls while video playing0