newbie ish question network/internet access
Hey guys, new here. I got a raspberry pi about 3 months ago and loaded openelec and got it working using my router. Everything all good.

Now 3 months later I moved to a basement suit and internet is provided for me via WIFI. Except to access the internet the first time on my ipad/iphone/laptop I had to connect to wifi like you normally would, then go to a web site based log in.
Connect to wifi, its hidden so I had to do it manually entered SSID security (WPA2) and PW
next, open up web browser then re enter password.
Everything works.

I have a Usb wifi dongle and try the same thing in network manager in xmbc and enter SSID and PW and security(which when I enter "WPA2" is says in not a valid security) and it doesn't work because there is no web browser to allow me to re-enter the PW

I've also tried an apple airport express set up and give a hardwire into the raspberry pi and still no luck,

Hase anyone seen this before of knows how I might be able to get it working? Ill answer more questions if you need.
Thanks guy.

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