Req Media Store helping community
Hi I'm following the XBMC for some time now and I think your doing an awesome job.
This is my first post and this not quite a Feature Request but a Feature Suggestion.

This suggestion would not be a plugin but a actual Feature like the Programs Video Music
Why not add a "Store" where users can buy movies music Tv series, When i say "Store" i mean affiliate Store to help the XBMC community
I think it would be a win win situation..

Users will have good content to purchase and add to their library
XBMC Community earn with commission to help the community
The affiliate program that XBMC joins will also win
The authors of music movies etc win by selling their product

I imagine the store where users add their accounts like "Amazon" "iTunes" etc ... where one could "search browse" all media, buy, and download to the library
Search results would be affiliate purchases, and users will be making small donations to community XBMC

I don't know if this is possible to do in XBMC but just a suggestion in order to help the community,
and if by chance the community start getting "rich" ^_^ you can always start a charity program.

best regards
this requires DRM protection which we don't like. Also because XBMC is opensource, the code for DRM would have to be opensource and no content provider would like/allow this. Also, we don't have the man power to deal with all the legal stuff involved worldwide.
You're right i didn't thought about DRM. scratch the idea and then throw it to the recycle bin Sad

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