ac3 passthrough not working
I've just upgraded XBMC from version 9 to 12. I am running windows 8 64 bit and I have a SoundBlaster X-Fi Extreme audio card, and am using the digital optical output to my DTS/Dobly receiver. I have video files that are MP$ but the audio stream is AC3 so that I can passthrough the audio to my receiver. Well, when I trying running these video files via XBMC I get no sound. I've tried changing from DirectSount to WSAPI, but no luck. I've changed the soundblaster setting to be in exclusive mode as well. If I run the files in Nero I have no problem hearing the 5.1 sound. Is there anything I can do to get XBMC 12 to run my MP4 files and am able to hear the 5.1 sound via AC3 passthrough?
Thanks in advance
Post an image of your xbmc audio settings.I think you need to set the speaker system as 2.0 in xbmc audio settings for optical output.
Here is an image of my audio settings: (I hope this works)
<iframe src="" width="320" height="180" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

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ac3 passthrough not working0