Why is it that normal apps can use hardware decoding while XBMC cannot?

My apologies if my question is naive or has been asked/answered before, but I'm trying to understand something there.

If I take a few Android devices, let's say based on

- AllWinner A10 chip
- AllWinner A20 chip
- VIA WM8950 chip

or even a Samsung phone / tablet and I create a simple Android application that uses a VideoView
all of them can play back HD video without any issues. (So I'm assuming hardware decoding is used here)
Whereas if I use XBMC on those devices it can't seem to use hardware decoding so playback is really slow.

So I'm wondering, is there a reason XBMC cannot use the standard method of playing back video's so that it would simply work on all devices?
yes it has been asked many many many times before.
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However if I search for "VideoView" the search does not return a single thread... well except mine of course

And I find this a somewhat limited description: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=XBM...ot_XBMC.3F

Anyway having it as a fallback mechanism might not be a bad idea, but ok.
XBMC uses its own player. HW acceleration has therefore be accessed from a lower layer. This is for all platforms and leads to the benefit that XBMC basically understands nearly all video codecs you throw at it. Using native playback methods (like the Media api on iOS for example) was never an option because of that. Same for some upper VideoLayers of Android. XBMC needs to control demuxing, stream selection, subtitle streams and what not. This normal mediaplayer apis from the operating systems don't provide that level of access...
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@Memphiz Thank you.

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Why is it that normal apps can use hardware decoding while XBMC cannot?0