Keep sets in Smart playlists
Hi Guys,

First of all thanks for all your help and dedication to XBMC - you are definately making a great difference for the rest of us!

Now, I have just started to play around with smart playlists and I have managed to make one containing all my movies. However, when I display the playlist, all the movies in my sets, eg. Star Wars are displayed as individual movies and not as a single set. When I just choose the "standard" movies view on my home screen, they are grouped in sets. How can I make my sets display as sets in my playlists?

Hope you can help - thanks in advance.

Best regards,

I am using a smart playlist for my movies and all of my sets show up fine. Not sure why it wouldn't be working for you.
Same here. They show up as sets. But I'm trying to get the opposite. I want my custom playlists to not contain sets.
Grouping movies into sets is a global option I think. So you can group movies into sets in regulary library and display them as individual movies in smart playlits.
Sorry for my english, but, you know, I'm French so ...

Main HTPC : Odroid-C2 running CoreELEC with Titan Bingie
Secondary HTPC : Freebox Mini 4K running Android TV with Titan Bingie

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