Android Copied Complete org.xbmc.xbmc folder on ATV520
Hey Guys,

I have been setting up some ATV520 units for some friends. When setting the units up I copied the complete org.xbmc.xbmc folder from my unit and pasted into the folder on the unit I have been setting up. I tested each of the units on my set up and they all work excellent and each atv520 tested provided an exact copy of the XBMC on my unit.

Even though these units worked perfectly for me .. each friend had problems when they hooked them up to their own set ups at home. To confirm.. I set most settings to default xbmc to ensure it would work on basic settings. In each case they could not get any add-ons to play video.

Can anyone explain why this didn't work ?
My guess is they are not signed in to their networks, in other words don't have internet access. just a guess though, like if a car doesn't start you need to verify the battery is good first.

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Copied Complete org.xbmc.xbmc folder on ATV5200