Stuttering audio and video
Hello all

I have been searching for ages and have tried all sorts but I am still battling so thought I would ask here to see if anybody can assist.
When playing certain video files the audio and video stutters. Not all files, just some of them.

The problem occurs both on my Raspberry Pi (Openelec) and my Toshiba tablet. The actual files are sitting on a hard drive on a PC shared via Samba over a wireless network. XBMC on the PC itsself plays the files perfectly. If I copy the files to the Pi or the tablet they play perfectly from local as well. So from that I guess that XBMC is working fine and that it is a network issue.

However the exact same files are shared via Itunes to my Apple tv in the bedroom and they stream across the network fine to that device so that would seem to indicate the network is not the issue.

Very strange issue and its driving me batty Smile

I was looking to jailbreak the ATV at some stage and install XBMC on there too but need to get everything settled down and working first.

If anybody has any ideas I would love to hear them.

Thanks in advance
Can you give a few examples of the file types failing to stream correctly? e.g. avi, mp4, etc. If you can detect a pattern it's then easier to diagnose.
HTPC RPI3 Kodi 17 (Krypton) v8.0.1 MR
Storage BPI 1x 500GB SSD UPnP server
Display Sony Bravia 32"
The files are all .mp4 extension.

Encoded with H.264 AAC

I always use the same encoding so as to be able to import into Itunes for streaming to my ATV.
I'm no expert, but on a Linux box ... here.

Reread your first post, not sure my suggestion is any longer relevant.
HTPC RPI3 Kodi 17 (Krypton) v8.0.1 MR
Storage BPI 1x 500GB SSD UPnP server
Display Sony Bravia 32"
(2013-10-10, 17:32)n1md4 Wrote: I'm no expert, but on a Linux box ... here.

Surely if XBMC had a problem with the file it would have the same issue if the file was local as it does when the file is streamed across the network? This isn't the case though as the file plays perfectly if it is local. The problem is only when it is streamed.
stupid question but....

how is your apple tv connected to the network?
(2013-10-10, 17:47)riaz1982 Wrote: stupid question but....

how is your apple tv connected to the network?

Not stupid at all Smile
It is connected via wifi, the same wifi network as the devices running XBMC.
Does nobody have any ideas?
Less overhead with the apple protocol maybe? Tri3d using NFS instead of samba?
(2013-10-14, 10:16)teeedubb Wrote: Less overhead with the apple protocol maybe? Tri3d using NFS instead of samba?

Its a Windows machine so no NFS. I dont really want to use 3rd party programs to enable NFS as then would need to run that on all machines on my network as well to allow them access to the shares.
How so the movies play with the tablet in a spot with strong reception?
(2013-10-14, 10:30)teeedubb Wrote: How so the movies play with the tablet in a spot with strong reception?

I have no issues with reception. My signal strength is good throughout my home.

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Stuttering audio and video0