Minix neo x7 are not playing libraries from nas-drive
Is there somebody who Can help me to come play libiryes, in frodo 12.2 i Can set up the libiryes but i cant play them whit the default player, i Can only play One of Them by Right click and choose play whit dvdplayer, is there somebody who Can make a script that change the standard pmplayer to make the dvdplayer standard?
I tried to catch some libiries once in a jar. They bit me.

Download XBMC from That will use DVDPlayer by default.
hi Ned .normaly the xbmc use the pmplayer as default , but this player cant access the files from my nas-drive once i have put them in the librarie i dont know why, all i know is by right click on one song at the time and choose dvdplayer i can play them, i have downloaded the last xbmc frodo 12.2 but it dont correct my problem.i whis to use the dvdplayer as standard player, Can somebody help me whit a script to change the dvdplayer to be standard player, please.
hi Ned .normaly the xbmc use the pmplayer as default , but this player cant access the files from my nas-drive once i have put them in the librarie i dont know why, all i know is by right click on one song at the time and choose dvdplayer i can play them, i have downloaded the last xbmc frodo 12.2 but it dont correct my problem.Can somebody please help me whit a script to change the dvdplayer to the default standard player.please, it will save my day.
The default player *IS* dvdplayer. If it isn't for you, you probably installed xbmc from a third-party, unofficial, site.
Please ask them for support.
@ Koyning, i have allreddy told 2 times that i have frodo 12.2 and it is from xbmc HomePage.and if you take a Music file and Right click on i and choose play with you Will se that the paplayer is the standard player and you get the dvdplayer as second choice.i wish to make the dvdplayer standard player and the paplayer second choice.the paplayer wont finde my files once i have make libraries.
(2013-10-15, 21:22)pop59 Wrote: @ Koyning, i have allreddy told 2 times that i have frodo 12.2 and it is from xbmc HomePage.and if you take a Music file and Right click on i and choose play with you Will se that the pmplayer is the standard player and you get the dvdplayer as second choice.i wish to make the dvdplayer standard player and the pmplayer second choice.the pmplayer wont finde my files once i have make libraries.

Paplayer is default for music. Use advancedsettings.xml to change that if possible
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OOOh, you mean PAPlayer. Sorry about that.

Make a plain text file called advancedsettings.xml and place it in the userdata (wiki) folder. It should contain the following:

Thank you Ned, finely i get someware,sorry i named the Paplayer, pmplayer, i will try that.but i think i need a little more help about how to due there some tools in andriod that can help me?
Thanks again Ned, i have found out how to make it, and it works :-) Jubii
Short time joy, now it dont work again, there due i find the log file?
see Log file/Easy (wiki)

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Minix neo x7 are not playing libraries from nas-drive0