No Fanart found for this movie - .17 version
I am not getting Fanart for any movie I scrape recently. When I scrape the movie, I'm getting a pop up error - An error has occurred. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. This was working, but all of a sudden has stopped. I was having the Plot issue, so I just updated that file and that fixed that issue, but it was happening just before that as well.

Anyone else having this issue?

This is what is in my errorlog

Title: Error
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
StackTrace: at EmberScraperModule.TMDB.Scraper.GetMovieID(DBMovie& DBMovie)
Date/Time: 11/2/2013 1:08:18 AM

Title: Error
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
StackTrace: at EmberScraperModule.TMDB.Scraper.GetTMDBImages(String imdbID, String tmdbID, String sType)
Date/Time: 11/2/2013 1:08:18 AM

Title: Error
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
StackTrace: at EmberScraperModule.TMDB.Scraper.GetTMDBImages(String imdbID, String tmdbID, String sType)
Date/Time: 11/2/2013 1:08:18 AM
Please upload your AdvancedSettings.xml, Settings.xml and Media.emm.
Something must have been down when I was scraping last night, because when I just went to try, everything is fine. Thanks for the quick reply though.
Yes, i think that was a TMDB server problem. There have been reported yet other users with the same problem.

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No Fanart found for this movie - .17 version0