Need to eliminate all buffering...
I'm using XBMC to view a network security camera and need to eliminate any buffering that XBMC is doing. I've tried setting the cachemembuffersize to 1024 and then to 256, but I'm still getting a 4-7 second delay from the camera. Is there a way to turn off buffering in XBMC so that I get a live view of the video? Thanks!
have you tried setting it to 1? Just don't set it to 0, because that will turn on hard drive caching. Anything smaller and you'd probably have to edit a code file and recompile XBMC.
Thanks Ned. I just tried setting it to "1" but I'm still getting the same 7 second delay. If there isn't a way to eliminate all caching, then I'll have to submit this as a feature request. Any other ideas?
There are 2 types of buffering: file buffering and the player's buffering. The first one can be disabled since this week's GIT (using buffermode option). What your actual problem is is DVDPlayer's internal video/audio buffers (queues) which can not be disabled. Only solution is using an external player I guess...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
Is DVDPlayer the component in XBMC that plays the videos? Are you saying that I would need to use a different component within XBMC, or use a solution other than XBMC altogether? Thanks.
DVDPlayer is indeed the component that plays videos. You could use either seperate solution or have xbmc to use an external player. Info on this can be found in our wiki.
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-

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