Logic Problem: Split Drama Genre into 3 separate unique Playlists
Hello everyone,

I have another problem with playlists. Similar to real life, I have a lot of drama in my movie collection
and want to split them into 3 separate playlists, that each contain movies not part of the other two playlists.

I thought the thing to do was to create playlist 1 with simple "Genre = Drama",
playlist 2 should then contain "Genre = Drama" and "Playlist is not "Playlist 1"".

Unfortunately, this returns no result for playlist 2.

Is this solvable?
3 playlists containing drama? - what differentiates each playlist ?
playlist 1 - genre CONTAINS drama (all drama movies - used contains as movies can have multiple genres)
playlist 2 - playlist is NOT playlist 1 (all non drama movies)

so not sure here how the third playlist goes (if the first 2 are even right !)
give some more info on what you want the playlists to show and I'm sure you will get some input.
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Ah, thanks for your quick response!
I have 350 movies in the Drama genre. I want to create 3 PseudoTV channels for Drama (Drama 1, 2 and 3) and each channel has 100 movies to built a schedule with.
I obviously (?) do not want one movie to play on two or perhaps even three channels at the same time, that's why I thought I'd build
three individual playlists that do not coincide. Does that make sense?

What is the difference between a genre "containing" drama and "is" drama?
hmm - so 350 movies, 3 playlists containing drama but limited to 100 movies per playlist..............(thinking LOL)

ok try this ((no guarantees)
playlist 1 - genre contains drama
limit to 100 movies and order random
playlist 2 - genre contains drama
playlist is not playlist 1
limit to 100 movies and order random
items must match all the rules
playlist 3 - genre contains drama
and playlist is not playlist 1
and playlist is not playlist 2
items must match all the rules
limit to 100 movies and order random
(not at pc atm so this is a bit pot luck from memory)
((may be a miracle if it works)
let me know either way
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I have tried exactly that, maybe my first post was a bit vague.
I limit each playlist to 100 with a spare movie 'Drama' collection of 50 to have some room for variation in PseudoTV, at least that was my thought.
no doesnt work.....just tried
reason - the first playlist although limited to 100 movies actually contains all the drama movies in the playlist
so comparing playlist 2 to playlist 1 removes all drama movies (even though limited)
how about having a drama/comedy channel and a drama/action and a drama/sci-fi channel or something similar (this can differentiate) or a drama hd and drama sd channel
You always need to start the playlist with genre contains drama
but you cant use the second rule so you need to have another rule (sort by another genre or year or resolution) this could filter your movies
the choices are yours (classic drama for example for older movies 'year is less than 1980')
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For some strange reason I have figured out a way to do it, but it is very counter-intuitive for a novice like me, so I would appreciate some feedback.
It started working when I entered a second parameter (higher than 7.5).

<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <name>Critically Acclaimed Drama</name>
    <rule field="genre" operator="contains">
    <rule field="rating" operator="greaterthan">
    <rule field="genre" operator="isnot">
    <order direction="ascending">random</order>

<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <name>Drama Movies without Action-Drama</name>
    <rule field="playlist" operator="isnot">
        <value>Critically Acclaimed Drama</value>
    <rule field="genre" operator="is">
    <rule field="genre" operator="isnot">
    <order direction="ascending">random</order>

<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <name>Drama Movies that could also contain Action</name>
    <rule field="genre" operator="is">
    <rule field="playlist" operator="isnot">
        <value>Critically Acclaimed Drama</value>
        <value>Drama Movies without Action-Drama</value>
    <order direction="ascending">random</order>

As soon as I remove the "higher than 7.5" parameter from playlist #1, playlist #2 will fail to show any movies.
ok - I dont know if you should be comparing playlist to playlist (as soon as 1 playlist is filled with genre contains drama and you choose playlist is not playlist 1 you nullify all drama movies)
you need to create 3 separate playlists all containing genre contains drama
BUT the second rule needs to be as I described above(limiting with another genre/rating/year)
and hope that each playlist doesnt have multiple entries of the same movie
personally I would use the year option (for me anyway) as drama movies can have many many genres which would give duplicates in the playlists (although rating was a good one by you)
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Mmhh it does not seem to nullify all drama movies as seen in my example above. It works, as along as there as playlist #1 contains the additional parameter "Rating > 7.5".

Do you have any tips on how to build exciting playlists? With interesting combinations? I have already have a zombie, videogame, superhero and vampire playlist
and corresponding channels on PTV that play these exclusively.
I wish there was an option to ONLY display a certain drama, without having to exclude all others, i.e. only showing movies that are only dramas (A Beautiful Mind, Fight Club).
The IMDb genre top lists are therefore also flawed in my opinion, as they rank "The Dark Knight" also as a drama, even though it is mostly an action flick.
yes it works initially because playlist 1 doesnt include all the movies with genre drama (only the ones with rating higher than 7.5) so you still have movies with genre drama available to choose from if choosing not from playlist 1
if you wanted to = long winded
you could create a playllist
genre contains drama
title is...............and choose 100 titles from the browse option
and do it for each playlist
PITA but should work

My playlists are blu ray/dvd / stand up / kids
so nothing exciting im afraid LOL
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...........I also accept disc requests if image not on fanart.tv database !!!!

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Logic Problem: Split Drama Genre into 3 separate unique Playlists1