xbmc exits trying to play file

I am trying to play a transport stream file on my Android device that plays fine on the windows version of xbmc.

I am using a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 and a version of xbmc that I built from source yesterday.

The file never starts playing when I try to open it using xbmc. I have the file on a microSD card plugged into the tablet. After selecting the file in xbmc, I get a working animation in the lower right and then xbmc exits. I captured the logcat output using the XBMC filter.

The log file is on paste bin:


Can someone tell me what happened here?
I turned on debug logging from the xbmc gui and tried the file again.
ffmpeg is reporting some problems with the stream.
I am still not sure why it doesn't play back.

Here is the log generated by xbmc:


According to http://www.gizmag.com/galaxy-tab-3-vs-ne...013/28479/

the galazy tab 3 is running a marvel pxa986


Is this processor just under powered for this video stream?
Wheres the stream from - is it a dump of an entire mux?

That stream is 20mb/s not sure your hardware is capable of that, or if it it could even read from your sd card at that rate?

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xbmc exits trying to play file0