Frodo<->Gotham switching/parallel
Hi all,

First up thanks to everyone who's worked on XBMC over the years and on Gotham for android in particular. A great effort, a great product and it's greatly appreciated!

I had hoped to run Gotham on our new EKB311 (an RK3199/MALI400 box), but video stutter, screen blackouts and crashes preclude this. Mostly because I'm not the only user of the unit.

So with a sad face I switched back to Frodo 12.3 with MXPlayer.

Now, I'd love to help with the testing effort and improving XBMC Gotham. But I can't simply leave an unreliable XBMC on the box after testing.

Has anyone figured out a fast/convenient way of switching between versions? Or of running Frodo and Gotham in parallel?


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Frodo<->Gotham switching/parallel0