Not able to install add-ons in the US
Hi everyone,
I am new to the forum and apologize in advance if this question has already been answered.
A friend was in Europe last week and installed XBMC 12.3 on a Windows97 laptop. He was able to install add-ons using the latest superrepo file - so far so good.
A few days later in the US, he installed XBMC on another laptop running Windows7. Then,however, when trying to enable the superrepo file via "Install from zipfile" absolutely nothing happens. There is no error message and it's as if he is not actually able to "touch" the file with his cursor. Another odd fact, he is also no longer able to load the repo file on his Windows97 laptop either, although he did so just a few days earlier in Europe.
Any idea what might be causing this? The only thing I can think of is the ISP (ATT), but am otherwise at a loss.
Again, the program installed in Europe still functions, but doesn't allow any further add-ons to be installed on the same laptop in the US.
Thank you in advance for any ideas you might have.
PS: Thought it might be due to firewall settings, but then it should have been possible to load it on the already functioning Windows97 version, or??
He also attempted to load individual add-ons, but unfortunately with the same outcome.
Most of these 3rd party add-ons run afoul of XBMC forums; see to get support for these add-ons you might enquire with the originators forum or authors web site. I suspect these add-on use dedicated local servers, and end up with problems if there is too many hops or swamps.

FTW: XBMC Media Center is an award-winning free and open source cross-platform software media player and entertainment hub for digital media for HTPCs (Home theater PCs).
Thanks for your input. As it turned out it was simply a question of the firewall settings. I suggested this to my friend and he was able to install the file without problem.

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Not able to install add-ons in the US0