Processor recomondation
I have been using WMC for a long time but am making the jump to XBMC. My pervious HTPCs have been prebuilt PCs, So this is my first build. I am a little stuck on the processor. I am leaning toward AMD due to cost savings and better onboard graphics (hopefully saving from having to get a discreet graphics card). I know the A6-6400 is recommended a lot but I want to make sure I don't have an underpowered machine. Here is what I would be asking it to do.

Webpage video streaming (HULU,,, etc)
File / Back up server
Surveillance Server & DVR - (recommendations on software welcome)
Other small services (teamviewer, gyration remote, etc)
Always on / Low power

Once I decide on processor. other parts to follow

Thanks for the help and glad to join the community.
Do you want it to wash your car and give sound relationship advise to?
HAHA the car washing sounds nice.

I know its a lot to ask. Some of these are not going to be happening at the same time but Id rater have one multi function box then several boxes. I should clarify the file backup server. I m not looking for a" server function" in its typical sense. Just basic Win 7 & Win at access to files for the other computers and Xbox's. And a destination for the other computers (2 to back up too)
I would probably throw out the low power option since your probably going to need a few hard drives. Having a surveillance system running all the time might make feel like it gets in the way of xbmc. But any high end desktop cpu should do fine. An I7 without a dedicated gpu would do everything you need it to. Im an intel fan, but an A8 should be enough. A lot of people run dvr, file servers, and xbmc on one box.
Regarding the surveillance system, I'm a big fan of Zoneminder. It takes a bit of configuration and some Linux know-how, but it's quite powerful and full featured. I run mine in a Debian VM on my Windows7 machine and it runs perfectly in the background. My i3-3225 processor rarely rises above 20% with XBMC, Virtualbox, Mediabrowser3, and a host of other services. It basically only goes above 20% when MB3 is transcoding a video.

Surveillance is something that could take significant computing power depending on your requirements. Mine is a single camera running 5 frames/second in lower resolution (640x480). If you get more cameras, faster framerates, and higher resolution and you're performing motion analysis on each frame then you could be looking at a lot of computing power.

For DVR, if you're running Windows 7 then you should start with pvr.wmc (Windows Media Center integration). I've tried most of the Windows PVR solutions and IMO this one is far and away the best.
Cams will be set to only record when motion is detected. But that means they will be monitored 24/7 I was going to have multiple drives probably at least 3. 1 SS for the OS and apps. 1 internal for the media and files. 1 external (hopefully hidden / protected) for the Cam files

Zoneminder looks interesting thanks for the recommendation. I will probably have 3-4 cams.

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