Some info needed. New to xbmx
I have a bunch of BD and 3d BD I am burning to .iso files. I am using external player TMT to play them. Right now I am just using FileBot to get movie info.

I have folders names like this:

A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
and file:
A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)

For 3d the same but added .3d to end of file name so xbmc in Aeon MQ5 shows 3d BluRay case.

My question is I uses the Artwork Downloader to get most the info. It doesn't seem like getting audio info. I would like to use Cinema Experience and it doesn't seem to know the audio format and always uses the Other videos I have.

Is there something I should be doing different?

And is so is there a program to help? I am looking at near 500 BD .iso files right now.

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Some info needed. New to xbmx0