SOLVED Can't connect to mysql after upgrade (worked on mac)
I have a mysql backend, which has been working well on 12.3. I have 4 client machines, a windows 7 PC, ATV2, Mac laptop, and raspberry pi. They all have the same configuration settings for the advancedsettings.xml



I upgraded my mac first, and it was able to access mysql, and it created new databases on the mysql server, xbmc_music46 and xbmc_video78

Next I upgraded the Windows 7 PC. Here not so much luck, I get an error trying to connect to the database.

21:35:37 T:4556 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_music46 [2049](Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol refused (client option 'secure_auth' enabled))

I looked at my mysql server, and even added secure_auth=0 in the my.cnf file, restarted, but the same error.

Reinstalling 12.3 with the exact same advancedsetting.xml file and I can access the database fine.

Anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how I can get mysql working with Windows?

So it seems like XBMC13 for windows has an updated mysql client that needs the new password format. I migrated to a new mysql server, and now it's all good.
My plan to update my system is to install and configure all clients first without any modification to them other than installing everything EXECPT what is related to mysql. You must be running the same version of XBMC on ALL devices or the data will not be shared.
Once all the other clients on my network are running Gotham THEN I will update the server from Frodo to Gotham.
Then I'll return to each client, once I'm sure the server is OK, and get them sharing the mysql data from the server.

I'm trying to figure out if I should update mysql from 5.5 to the latest or not. Either before or after I install Gotham...Huh

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SOLVED Can't connect to mysql after upgrade (worked on mac)0