Bug raspbmc cannot update, and lags
hallo all

im stuck on the xbmc 12.2 on my pi, the only way i can update is via the "install raspbmc nightly build" and there i can install a gotham rc1 but when i do that i get a scratching humming sound in the menues, and when i stream videos from the internet it lags like crazy (its hard to explane)

when i go back to the 12.2 and i disable the "update kernel headers automatically" and enable it again it ask if i want to restart the raspbmc and so i do, but is dosent download anything (almost like it cannot download/install it)
so when i go and disable and enable it again it ask to restart it again (almost like a circle)

im not sure what to do??

please help me :-)

regrads filledk
never mind now
i just fixed all my troubles, just by ssh into my rpi and force update it, then it updated the kernel and the xbmc to gotham :-)

if anybody have same issue as i have just follow this link under the
3.1 How to force an update if your Pi won't update

remember to have "keep raspbmc updated" and "keep kernel headers updates" on under the xbmc settings :-)

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raspbmc cannot update, and lags0