Gotham Live works, but crashes after install
First noticed this issue with OpenElec 4.0. Within seconds of booting up the system would freeze with lots of graphic artifacts on screen. After not being able to resolve this with the OE community, I tried XBMCbuntu. I had the Live session running for a week without any issues at all, so I went for it and installed it to the hard drive. The install went smooth, rebooted and XBMC came up nicely but as soon as I turned my back on it to ssh in from my computer, it had hung. Rebooted, and sure enough its displaying the same symptoms as OE 4.0.x where it freezes up within seconds of starting XBMC.

nForce 750a SLI chipset
GeForce 8200 mGPU
Athlon 64 X2 4000+

I'm unable to get any useful log information as the system freezes up before I can enable debugging, but I'm hoping the fact that the Live session works someone might know whats different after installation that may be causing this.


ps. I grew quite fond of XBMCbuntu over the past week, so I'd be quite happy if anyone can point me to a Frodo image to use in the interim. TPB and Google both failed me.
While running it live, was that from CD or USB? When installed, was it on a HDD? Does it also crash if you login to the desktop? When you switch to a console (CTRL+ALT+F1)?
I was running live on USB, then installed on a Corsair Nova SSD.

Its stable on the desktop as long as I don't push the gfx. For example, running glxgears will hang it, so it does seem somewhat related to the nvidia driver.

On an unrelated note, I reinstalled parallel to the OE 3.2.4 installation I restored yesterday so I could answer your Qs, however, now I don't get the option to choose between OE or Ubuntu when it boots up. Is there an easy fix for that? grub-install? The installer complained that I didn't have a 1MB partition reserved for BIOS, and wouldn't let me allocate the free 1MB space OE left at the beginning of the drive for that, so I just plodded on hoping it would work itself out in the end. Smile
As an update, I wound up reinstalling XU following the OE wiki for dual boot. That failed miserably, but in the process I did discover that the xbmcbuntu session would hang in the same manner w/o me doing anything if left long enough. Most stable I've found is to 's' immediately, exit to the login manager, use a virtual console to fix ssh, and use a secure shell from my PC instead.

Unfortunately this is the primary family system so I have to revert the whole thing to OE 3.2.4. I'll do my best to help troubleshoot this, but its gonna be a pita reinstalling back and forth if I can't figure out a method of dual-boot.
well, unless you get some logs when this happens, there's not much we can do.
Check dmesg syslog kern.log xbmc.log
Well I did my best. No smoking gun that I can see, and I can't seem to be able to capture an xbmc.log of the event, ie xbmc.log is always blank after, and xbmc.old.log seems to be the session I exited to setup capture of the other logs. At any rate here's what I got. The last crash corrupted something and I can't even get to the login manager anymore.

cat dmesg |pastebinit

cat kern.log |pastebinit

cat syslog |pastebinit

cat xbmc.old.log |pastebinit
google the output line of your kern.log, it seems to be a firmware bug
Having the same problem when installing OPENELEC or KodiBuntu latest
Looks like Nvidia driver hanging causing entire computer crash?
Same hardware (nothing changed) works FANTASTIC when installing KodiBuntu old version (with Gotham)

Gotham runs like a charm but i would love to have the latest Kodi instead of older Gotham... Any ideas?

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Gotham Live works, but crashes after install0