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Bug Duplicate music artists under one song for XBMC and Kodi
okay thanks for clearing up. Smile
One more question: Are there any plans on making moods browsable aswell?
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(2015-12-29, 17:19)Maaarv Wrote: One more question: Are there any plans on making moods browsable as well?

Mood is on my list to tidy-up (artists, albums and songs all have mood but handled differently), but not sure how far that will go. What do you mean by browsable? Visible on the Song Info dialog would be a good start wouldn't it! At the moment you can make smart play lists but not see what moods values a song has.

I will expose it to the skins by adding an info lable, I'm making other additions in that area in my attempt to improve music generally, after that it is down to the skinners to make use of it.

Short answer is yes Smile
with browsable I mean like it is with genres.
There is this thread: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=211520&page=3
There was already a build at the bottom of the third page so someone was working on it.
That's why I'm asking Smile
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Duplicate music artists under one song for XBMC and Kodi1