[solved] set $INFO[Player.Art(thumb)] from python
It's possible to set the Player.Art(thumb) in python?
+1 asked the same question a year ago... But no answer!
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
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Hi, I'm not sure if it's this you are asking but I am developing a video plugin add-on and managed to do it like this:

listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(video["title"]);
listitem.setArt({"thumb" : video["thumbnail"]});
xbmc.Player().play(video["url"], listitem);

In this case the Player Art gets set when I tell it to play the video url.

Hope this helps you.
Hello! Thanks for your answer vfranchi.
I was able to do this with setThumbnail method from ListItem

opt = xbmcgui.ListItem('tmp')
opt.setThumbnailImage('path to the image')

This was used with VideoFullscreen.xml.

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[solved] set $INFO[Player.Art(thumb)] from python0