Shortcut to skip to a letter up the alphabet in a movie lists?
You can jump (down the alphabet) to a movie in a movie list by pressing SHIFT+ some letter key, e.g. SHIFT+D jumps to the first movie title starting with "D", pressing again that shortcut jumps to the next title beginning with "D" down and so on. Is there a shortcut to jump backwards, so you can go vice versa, up the alphabet in a movie list?

Often I have to press that shortcut a few time to get to the next title. Is there a way to jump to the next title by pressing the shortcut a single time?
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence
I don't know what kind of interface/remote control you use, but yes shift plus the letter jumps to that part of the lib and if you're fast enough.... shift+letter+letter will jump further down the same letter. Backward would be the previous letter, or using the left right arrow keys. jumps listing one at a time. Search is maybe what you're looking for?
Many thanks, PatK,

No, not search is what I am looking for. Actually I want to go back the same way (so the same items) like I came down the alphabet by pressing SHIFT + LETTER. Just the same way back vice versa.

Often I have to press that shortcut a few times to get to the next title and often I press a few times and the reaction comes with a hesitation, so I skip some items. And to get back to the previous item / movie I just would like to do it by pressing a shortcut (may be SHIFT + CTRL + LETTER) which leads me back to the last item I have been before.

Many thanks again.
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence

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Shortcut to skip to a letter up the alphabet in a movie lists?0