Playlists with fanarts and filminformation
Hi Mudislander,

i can not find a threat belomgs to fanart and playlists. I tried your Skin Version 2.3.7 and for me it is the best Skin.
But i miss something.

If i configure my playlist into the home menu all works fine. I see the coverpicture and if i select one film i see the details.
Now my question: Is it possible to get the same information at the main playlist?

To clarify: I select movies / playlists
Now i get a list of my manuell created playlist. Now i select the first one, then all filminformation are displayed in the sortorder of the playlist for example 10 second, then the next filmnformation are used.

Hopefully you can help me.

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Playlists with fanarts and filminformation0