Why 2 local backends can't load all the channels
Have 2 PVR back-ends residing in the same W7x32 PC (DVBviewer RS 1.30.1 for DVB-S/S2 USB device, and NextPVR service for analog TV card). During XBMC 13.2 startup, the DVBviewer addon seems to not be able to scan the backend, as I get no SAT channels. When accessing the same backends from another XBMC Windows PC in the network, the channels are fine.

This issue very much sounds like this: http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/14498. The patched frodo's xbmc.exe offered in the comments worked fine, but no Gotham patch unfortunately. Also tried latest margro custom builds (https://www.scintilla.utwente.nl/~marcel...build.html) but still no luck. Isn't there any workaround or advancedsettings.xml that would help me mitigate this in Gotham? That's a showstopper to my current requirements.

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Why 2 local backends can't load all the channels0