Add dynamic text area to XBMC Skin
Hi Guys,

I was struggling Huh to add dynamic text area to XBMC skin. I need to change the content of the text area when changing the buttons.

Hope you guys can help me on this.

Thanks in advance...!

You might need to be more specific.

But have you tried using a variable as label, and then give the variable content different conditions?
Image [RELEASE] Metroid
Image [RELEASE] IrcChat
Thank you for your heads up. I will try your suggestion too. To be frank, I'm a beginner in XBMC.

This is what I want to learn,
I added one more custom page to default XBMC main menu added two buttons that opens new window each. That window has few buttons with a text area. Now I need to know how can we change the content of the text area when we navigate among the buttons.

Hi MassIV,
I tried your suggestion and It worked. Thank you very much...!
I added new variable to Include.xml file,
<variable name="ContentArea_1">
<value condition="Control.HasFocus(2)">Test One</value>
<value condition="Control.HasFocus(3)">Test Two</value>
<value condition="Control.HasFocus(4)">Test Three</value>
Added the variable to label,
Now I can get the values in the variables to text area dynamically.

But I dont know how to get this this text from a text file.
<value condition="Control.HasFocus(2)">Test One</value>
Could you help me on this?

Do you mean from different labels?

If so, Control.GetLabel(ID).

Also, ask a mod to move this to Skin Development.
I have a some text in the test.txt file. I meant to say that I want to get those text to display instead of hard-code "Test One" here. My input text from a text file.

<value condition="Control.HasFocus(2)">Test One</value>
Do you have a reason for wanting to read from a .txt file?

Assuming you or some application needs to change the content of the .txt file(s)?
There isn't a native way of reading non .xml files or files outside of the skin folder in the skinning engine.
So you'd have t use a simple python script to read the .txt file.
And give your label control an ID, then your script can change the label of ID.
Image [RELEASE] Metroid
Image [RELEASE] IrcChat

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Add dynamic text area to XBMC Skin0