BSOD in kodi- VRAM error _SOLVED (new install of OS)
***I was never able to replicate this again after the initial occurrences, then a reinstall, and now on Isengard with no issues. Please ignore.****

Hey guys,

I was having this annoying issue in Gotham where manually stopping a video caused the screen to go black for ages, until the TV hardware crashed and the TV restarted itself. So, I upgraded to kodi RC3, wanting the most reliable experience I could get but still understanding that there could be bugs not yet worked out.

Kodi has been pretty unreliable so far.

Crashes- I get maybe two crashes per movie/TV episode. It may be related to the YATSE remote app I use, not sure- I've noticed the crashes during or after using the remote but haven't seen a pattern of usage to trigger it yet.
I get a frozen screen on the telly, and the monitor shows an error message that it stopped responding, do I want to close the program or... something else I forget, that I never choose. Report to MS maybe? Wait for a response?

Anyway, I close, restart, and it hasn't saved my progression so I need to manually skip to the place I was when it crashed.

BSOD- Three times now, during use of kodi, I've suddenly blue screened. First two times, I didn't get any of the message, but the most recent one said something about VRAM, unable to dump or load or something.. sorry!

I realise this is not very helpful so I have turned on debugging and logging for Video and JSON rpc requests (I think this is related to YATSE).

I'll update when I can replicate it, and post the logs.

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BSOD in kodi- VRAM error _SOLVED (new install of OS)0