Moving from XBMC Gotham to Kodi Helix??
Hi all,

I have been using the final release of XBMC Gotham, now with XBMC renamed to Kodi, including the executable file, and the new version Helix, how can i migrate my movies db, and all the customizations i have done to the Aeon MQ5 Theme? I am sure just copying all of the content of the XBMC Appdata into Kodi will not work. I tried and it did not. Kodi did not pick up the movies db.
I hope you backed up the XBMC folder with all the add-ons, and database files ?

Otherwise I suggest renaming that particular Kodi folder to XBMC again and then re-start the Kodi app and the migration process will start over again.

Have you looked at this to make Aeon MQ5 Helix compatible ?

Thanks for your reply.
Is there any benefit of moving from gotham to helix for now? If not, i will hold on

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Moving from XBMC Gotham to Kodi Helix??0