Won't play files from TV Shows, but ok from File Manager
I have an Amazon FireTV running SPMC, and a Chromebox running OpenElec, both suffering from this same issue.
If I go into my TV Shows section, go to a show, and try and hit play, I get an error saying it wasn't able to play the video.
If I go into the directory through File Manager, it plays with no issues.
Has anyone else see this? The Fire is wifi, the Chrombox is wired, and my main box(A6-5400K system running 7 with Gotham), has no issues like this.
debug log (wiki)
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Here's my debug file, from reviewing it, I found that it was a permissions issue, for some reason, my server has some of the files set as "Everyone" and others as Authenticated users
I guess my next problem is how to set all my files in my video collection to everyone instead of Authenticated users.


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Won't play files from TV Shows, but ok from File Manager0