Certain files won't play
Just upgraded my xbmc to bling bling 7/28 and now several avi files will not play. Some of them just return to the screen (I'm posting a log for one of these). Others will lock up the xbmc - not sure how to get a log for that.

Most files play fine...not sure what's up w/ these - any ideas?
One more note - all the files I'm trying have been verified to work w/ windows media player.

it appears to be an issue with the way they are shared. please try uploading one of the files that "doesn't work" onto the Xbox's local drive and playing from there. lets us know...
SleepyP Wrote:it appears to be an issue with the way they are shared. please try uploading one of the files that "doesn't work" onto the Xbox's local drive and playing from there. lets us know...

Yup - works just fine from the xbox local drive. Any ideas why this is happening? Like I said, most files are working just fine.

This happens to me occassionally. The file permissions are out of whack. Just re-share the folder and it'll correct them all.
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Just tried resharing the folder - no luck - files still won't play and a lot of them are locking up the system. As I try more and more files its apparent that this is a pretty major issue a lot won't play and a lot are locking up the app. I never had these issues with the older build of xbmc I used...

Any other ideas?
Looks like I was running out of memory - the skin's auto resolution was set too high - so I moved it back down to 720p and things have improved...less crashing. Still have some issues though, I may move to another version of xbmc even tho I like a lot of the features bling has.
xbmc's memory usage has gone up a bit. running at 1080i is not recommended. you can also save some memory by reducing your caches and disabling the ftp and/or web servers.
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Certain files won't play0