certain tv shows don't show correct number of episodes
Hi there

I have a very strange problem. I have upgraded to kodi with a shared mariadb sql database but when I scan my extensive tv series library certain shows either show no episodes or far less than there actually are. I tried scanning from openelec.tv 5.0 and from Windows Kodi without success. I checked that the permissions are all correct and I have a debug log


One show is Alias which shows no episodes and Grey's Anatomy shows only 2 seasons from 11
I've been having the same problem since upgrading to Kodi also with watched status of shows too and have had to resort to completely rebuilding the library several times. It's getting particularly annoying. Anyone got any ideas?
I have seen this same issue with my shared db (mySql) since I set it up on XBMC v12.2, and I continue to see it on my v13 setup as well. In my case I was able to solve it by ensuring all the episode and movie names were free of odd characters and most punctuation. For example the current version of Hawaii Five-O has these odd or non standard english characters in a lot of the names (á ć ŕ õ for example). I removed these non standard characters and did a rescan, problem solved with missing episodes.

Punctuation was causing issues with some but not all artwork, for example some files would have double periods in the name ".." and so on and the thumbnails would not be shown, others like movies would not display the posters. So I removed all punctation and updated the episode or movie and missing artwork was displayed.

This is a Win7 x64 sp1, mySql v5.5, XBMC v12.2/v13 installation.

Hope that helps.

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certain tv shows don't show correct number of episodes0