Amazon Fire tv running Kodi
Hello All,

I wanted to see if anyone can help me out on this issue.. I have a amazon firetv running latest firmware on it. It was on Gothom running fine and i completely uninstalled gothom and did a sideload of Kodi. I installed all the repo.. When watching a show the unit has become extremly slow and it is always buffering.. Not sure if it the site or the unit and something wrong with it.. Is anyone else having this issue.

thanks once again
Roll back to Gotham and see if you still have the problem. I am having the same problem on the Fire Stick, but it was unstable for me with Gotham too. It does seem Helix might be worse.
Let us know.
Helix actually works better for me on FTV. I have not had any issues. Play a local file and see how it behaves and it will help you narrow down if the issue is with the device or the site you are streaming from.
(2015-01-09, 20:09)ozkhan1 Wrote: Helix actually works better for me on FTV. I have not had any issues. Play a local file and see how it behaves and it will help you narrow down if the issue is with the device or the site you are streaming from.

Are you connected wired or wireless? When you say Helix works better for you, what exactly do you mean? I can't tell that much difference.
I have firetvs in the house both wired and wireless. Helix works flawlessly on both. I may have given the impression I was comparing Gotham vs Helix on FTV, for that I apologize. I actually never tried Gotham on FTV, just on my NUC.

But I feel like Kodi- Helix works better, faster, and smoother on my FTV than Gotham on NUC. I know I might be the oddball here who thinks that way but it does provide a much better PQ and playback as far as I can tell.
I am thinking about ditching my Fire TV Stick for a Fire TV box. I have a lot of problems with it pausing to rebuffer. It happens whether I am watching something off my server or over the internet. I do like Netflix and Showtime Anytime and the Fire TV does that well on top of Kodi. Most people here don't seem to have the same problems I do, but I am not alone. There are over 250 messages on the Amazon site with the same problems I am having. I have had my stick since October. I've been using a WD TV Live for years. It's great but the interface is ugly compared to Kodi and it is a closed system. I also have a Raspberry PI B+. The interface is slow but it doesn't have the buffering problem of the Fire TV Stick. What I don't like about the RPI is if the power fluctuated causing it to restart, my TV automatically comes on at night.

Thanks for the response, ozkhan1
I tried the Firetv stick when they had it on sale over thanksgiving for 25 bucks. I installed Helix beta on it and it certainly was not smooth. it buffered and was a bit jerky. My guess is it was a combination of weak guts and poor wifi reception. I returned it after a day or so.

I believe in using wired connections because for the sort of media I watch (big media files from my collection and live TV streaming) I know wifi does not cut it. I suspect that is the reason behind your experience. My brother uses it over wifi and uses mostly online streaming and he has not complained about any issues but I still cannot vouch for FTV to work absolutely smoothly over wifi. Wired is always best.

All in all FTV works great for me. I am not an audiophile, so not having surround sound does not bother me. Also I dont have any VC-1 Content and contrary to what I have read live TV works just fine for me on the box. I enjoy the flexibility of using Kodi and other apps from just one source. Even though it may not be an HTPC killer or the perfect box, but FTV is a great option for someone in a similar situation as mine.

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