Kodi 14 Won't open on ouya.
I have an ouya with no modifications done to it and it does have the ouya release of XBMC which I believe is 12.2.
I used the instructions for installing Kodi 14 on the ouya and after the preparing for first run page the program just goes back to the
ouya launch screen. Then when you try launch the program again it just rolls back to the ouya launch screen.
I have no issues with any other program on the ouya. Any suggestions on how to get this software to run?
hey, I'm having the same issue... did you ever figure out what was wrong? or how to fix it?
First, I'd use a file browser on the OUYA to backup the userdata (wiki) folder. Then I would try uninstalling Kodi and then re-installing it, which will clear all the files. If it opens up okay at this point, then you can copy the userdata folder back to the location you first copied it from, and then restart Kodi and see if it still works.
I don't have ouya, but I do have gbox q and it does almost same thing, except the screen goes black. Its been doing it with every build since 14.0. Any ideas?
(2015-02-04, 01:53)hhauk Wrote: I don't have ouya, but I do have gbox q and it does almost same thing, except the screen goes black. Its been doing it with every build since 14.0. Any ideas?

Oh god, it finally happened. I was killed and now I'm roaming the forums as a ghost, and no one can see or read my posts.
Tried your suggestion first. It didn't work though.

Weird thing occurred... It got to the main menu then went dark. Uninstalled and reinstalled twice and I reset the box before opening. Haven't been able to repeat after that first occurrence though.
Something must be really out of whack if even a fresh install of Kodi v14.1 doesn't open. I tried it just now on my OUYA and it opened up, so it doesn't seem to be a universal issue. I wish I had better news, but I'm stumped as to what it could be.
I have the same issue. A fresh install of Kodi Helix doesn't work on Ouya
I just solved the issue. You must go to this location /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/ and rename the folder org.xbmc.kodi to any name, I use filepawn on Ouya.
Then launch Kodi again and it will work.
(2015-02-04, 05:15)cabrerachaparro Wrote: I just solved the issue. You must go to this location /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/ and rename the folder org.xbmc.kodi to any name, I use filepawn on Ouya.
Then launch Kodi again and it will work.

That's really weird. An uninstall should normally delete that folder. Glad to hear it's working, in any case.
That corrected the issue for me.. Thanx
This definitely worked for me! Thanks a bunch!
I deleted the org.xbmc.xbmc instead (on the OUYA) and the fix worked great. I also had the .kodi folder, but deleting that didn't fix the problem, it just deleted all my settings & kodi apps.[/align]

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Kodi 14 Won't open on ouya.0