Does Kodi remember watched movies after deleting them?
Hi, does kodi remember the watched state even if a movie is deleted?
Also does it keep a log of movies watched or files it scraped in the past? I am just trying to find a way to list all movies I watched if it is possible after deleting them?
Once you use the clean-up utility, any sign of a deleted listing is gone from the library. Your watched status is maintained as long as the video is still in the library, and can be listed as watched/unwatched status.
I did not use cleanup utility, but I deleted what I watched.
Video is not in the library anymore. Is the watched status maintained somewhere? Or like I said does Kodi keep a log of watched movies somewhere?
Therefore any meta-data disappeared with the deleted show if you deleted within the program. If you merely deleted the movie in the O/S then the listing would still remain until a clean-up.
I see. Thanks for the information.

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Does Kodi remember watched movies after deleting them?0